Copyright Gabriel Zachmann, 2011, TU Clausthal Home page: Controls: + = Increase Raytracing Depth - Decrease Raytracing Depth < , Decrease Refraction of glass sphere > . Increase Refraction of glass sphere Z Decrease Reflection of glass sphere X Increase Reflection of glass sphere P, Space Pause Animation of Lightsource UP Move Camera towards Scene DOWN Move Camera away from Scene RIGHT Next Animation Step while Paused LEFT Previous Animation Step while Paused ESCAPE Quit Prerequisite for compiling the source code: Qt 4.2 or higher, including headers and libraries. Under Mac OS X: you probably need also the WebServices package, which is not installed by default with all the other developer stuff. Compilation: Generate a project file or Makefile: Windoze: qmake -tp vc Linux / Mac: qmake -unix Mac OS X: qmake -spec macx-xcode you might want to enable OpenMP in the project settings Then use VisualStudio | make | XCode.